
The Flavours system has many features, as you can review them


Possibility to create offers  for some or all products

app store

There is a market for apps matches your aspirations

24/7 technical support

Integrated technical support around the clock hour/week


Possibility to create coupons Determine the frequency of use


Determine the opening and closing time for every day of the week


Availability of rating to customers

digital orders

Availability of ordering from the restaurant through the client's browser

Staff powers

Distribute the powers of the system to staff at your convenience


Possibility to create offers  for some or all products

Payment links

Send the invoice to the customer through text messages


Manage tables and print barcodes every table to order and pay through

Customer retention

Possibility of customer registration in the system

waiting screen

Big screen showing all orders with their statuses

delivery applications

The ability to enter application requests Plug in order to get Their reports are clear

advanced offers

Possibility to create Detailed offers

Internet \ without Internet

The whole system works Online + Offline

iOS \ andoid

Compatible with all operating systems

kitchen screen

The tabs are shown on the kitchen screen In proportion to the nature of the place+ The ability to create more than one screen

Cashier screen

Easy cashier screen and integrated

staff performance

The ability to track reports staff in detail

Inventory Management

Accurate inventory management

food menu

Coordination, processing and management food menu


The ability to send messages Advertising to your customers

client screen

The customer can see on the details of his request

Integrated reports

Detailed reports for all operations in your restaurant

Branch management

Integrated creation and management branches of your business

Electronic invoice

Electronic invoice compliant Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority

call center

Possibility to distribute orders to Branches through a call center