
cloud restaurants

The term “cloud restaurants” is frequently used by people

January 17, 2023
Hamad Al Abdel Qader

The term “cloud restaurants” is frequently used by people, but unfortunately, after entering into a dialogue with them about it, you discover that they did not know or recognize “cloud restaurants” correctly or properly

They did not delve deeply into distinguishing its forms, types and classifications

You will find someone who tells you

!! "I want to create a cloud restaurant"

As if describing "cloud" is the goal

This is a serious mistake in understanding this type of project

In summary of this long and ramified topic, I think the best model that might be presented is

The presence of a restaurant with a prominent facade in a good commercial street and a great location as a delivery area for restaurant delivery programs and applications, and several cloud restaurants emerge from within this restaurant owned by the same owner or owners of the restaurant with the facade, and these restaurants are operated by the same workers at the same hours the work

Here we must stop at several points, and I see that many young men and women who work in the field of restaurants miss it


All cloud restaurants should be almost identical in working hours. There is no point in running a cloud restaurant for breakfast and the main restaurant for shawarma, for example, because here you need more workers and spent a lot on working hours.

The best thing is you should sell all products that require approximately the same working hours.


Stay away from products that require expensive, sensitive or costly maintenance equipment.


Go to the products close to the people, which are "highly popular and in daily need," pastries, burgers, pizza, Mandy...


Compete with the price, but adjust your accounts through a specialized person so as not to enter into a loss, and work in cloud restaurants with the aim of selling a lot with a profit margin dropping to 12%, so there is nothing wrong with that “if” you succeed in making the operating costs of cloud restaurants “zero”. SR..


Do not exaggerate in packaging and packaging... "Leave it on convenience" and an inexpensive thing..


Do not advertise cloud restaurants with increased enthusiasm. Two advertisements per month costing 5 thousand riyals + entering delivery offers in applications is sufficient to achieve the required …

In conclusion.. May God help us and you, and I hope that I succeeded in presenting even a simple thing of interest